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Allan Weiss

Allan Weiss
Born (1959-02-25) February 25, 1959 (age 59)
Nyack, New York
Nationality American
Alma mater Brandeis University (B.A. in Computer Science and Physics 1981)
Yale (M.A. in Public and Private Management 1989)
Occupation CEO/Co-founder, Case Shiller Weiss, Inc.
CEO/Co-founder, Macro Securities
CEO/Founder, Market Shield Capital, LLC
Known for S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index, CASA

Allan Weiss (born Nyack, New York, February 25, 1959) is founder and CEO of Weiss Analytics and Revex. He is co-founder and former CEO of Case Shiller Weiss, producer of the Standard & Poor Case-Shiller Index, which was acquired by Fiserv in 2002. Weiss is also co-founder and former CEO of Macro Securities. Weiss’ business and research interests encompass home price analytics and related financial products. Recently his research has focused on forecasting home prices using granular and machine learning techniques. His interest in home finance products has included macro level investment and hedging techniques made available through Macro Securities (patents) and home equity insurance (paper). More recently he has focused on diversification through indexed fractional ownership (patents) and liquidity through a real estate value exchange applying block chain technology (patents).

He is frequently interviewed by median outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, the Washington Post and CNBC. Weiss’ approaches for addressing homeowner and other financial risks have been published in a series of co-authored papers and sited by John Y. Campbel, Frank J. Fabozzi, Time Magazine and national news columnists.

Allan Weiss was born in Nyack, New York, the son of Marvin Weiss, an electro-optical engineer and entrepreneur and Janet Weiss (nee Jaller) a media producer. Weiss received his B.A. in computer science and physics from Brandies University and his MA in public and private management from Yale University.

Weiss received his B.S. in Computer Science and Physics from Brandeis University in 1981, and his MA in Public and Private Management from Yale University in 1989. He co-founded Case Shiller Weiss in 1991 to fill a gap in market awareness of ongoing price changes in residential real estate. He accomplished this by translating a highly regarded academic paper on a new indexing technique into a nationally recognized home price indexing standard, now known as the S&P Case-Shiller Index.

Following the establishment of the indexes, Weiss led CSW’s development of forecasts of the Case-Shiller Indexes which were published in The Wall Street Journal for over five years. CSW also licensed the indexes and forecasts to mortgage investors used to price transactions involving over $50 billion of residential mortgages.

In 1993 he co-authored a paper with Karl Case and Robert Shiller “Index-Based Futures and Options Markets in Real Estate”, published in the Journal of Portfolio Management. The paper defines and analyzes a method to hedge and invest in home prices. In 2004 this proposal became a reality when the Chicago Mercantile Exchange launched home price futures based on the Case-Shiller Indexes.

