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All Ice Records

All Ice Records or AIR (initiated 2005 in Bergen, Norway) is a Norwegian independent record label that was established by Terje Isungset.

AIR are exclusively releaseing music performed on instruments made from ice. The company cooperates with the Ice Music Festival at Geilo, Norway in producing ice music, and had till 2012 a distribution agreement with the record label Grappa of Norway. Now AIR are doing their own distribution and are available at all digital platforms. AIR are aiming to release at leased one album per year, with one release at the first full moon of each year. AIR are now also releasing "non ice" albums. Till example the fantastic "World of Glass" album.

Isungset startet working with ice music in 1999, after combining natural elements in his music through the use of wood, stone, metal in their original form, bells, machine sounds, oil rigs and the like, for many years all ready. The use of ice was always a dream, but seemed unachievable. In 1999 he was commissioned to make a piece for the Lillehammer Winter Olympic Festival. The work was composed for trumpet, vocals, percussion and ice. It was aired on the NRK2 national television. Then Isungset was asked to come to Ice Hotel in Sweden to make more ice music. This became a part of the worldwide 2000 live New Year TV show. He then embarked on a new career of doing ice concerts and recordings. The first ever ice music CD was recorded at Ice Hotel in 2001. So in 2005 the AIR was founded.

