Ali Javadi (born 1953) is an Iranian political Communist activist living in exile.
He is one of the main founders and theoricians of Worker-Communism unity party of Iran. Earlier when he was still in Central-Committeein of Worker-Communist party of Iran in December 2006 he was among those who founded a faction inside the Party called "The Worker-communism Unity" and then later quit the main party and built another party called Worker-Communism Unity Party of Iran.
Because of his activities in there and in different Radio and television satellite Channels (Today mainly in Channelone) he is a well-known figure among the Iranian communists in opposition to Islamic Republic. Ali Javadi currently is secretary of the central committee of the Worker-communism Unity Party.
He is also the current head of Marx Society, current director of “Centre for Prosecuting Islamic Republic officials for their crimes against People”
With raising Iranian Revolution he and group of his friends stopped their education and came back to Iran in summer 1977, only a few months before revolution.
He and his friends formed “Spark Communist Committee” (which was politically close to “Alliance for struggle for Working Class Cause”) and joined social and worker protests First against Shah and then against Khomeini newly found Regime. His pseudonym in this period was “Reza”.
It was in this days that he get to know Javad Ghaedi (from “Alliance for struggle for Working Class Cause”) and with his help he wrote his first work named “Councils: Germinal bases of Revolutionary Government”.
After the Studying “Iranian Revolution and the Role of the Proletariat (Theses)” (an early work of Mansoor Hekmat and Hamid Taghvaee) He and “Spark Communist Committee” were attracted to “Sahand Circle” and after Sahand circle Formed “Communist Militias Union”, they joined it.
It was at this time that Ali Javadi got to know Mansoor Hekmat (who was then using the pseudonym “Bahram”). He first met him in a behind-the-curtain-meeting with presence of Hekmat, Gholam Keshavarz, Javad Ghaedi and a delegate from group named “Armdadasdane Zahmatkeshane Khorasan”.
After joining CMU Ali was active in worker movements in east and south-east of Tehran and at the same time he had an official job working as technician in “Organization of expanding and reconstructing of Iranian Industry”.
On June 20, 1981 and famous event of that day (30 Khordad Event) he was in Tehran streets and surprisingly survived the persecution.
After the violent represses of Islamic Republic he lost his connection with CMU and stopped his political activities for a while.