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Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium

Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS) is a biennial academic conference, first held in Cornell in 1994, constituting an international forum for the presentation of new research in computational number theory. They are devoted to algorithmic aspects of number theory, including elementary number theory, algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, geometry of numbers, algebraic geometry, finite fields, and cryptography.

In honour of the many contributions of John Selfridge to mathematics, the Number Theory Foundation has established a prize to be awarded to those individuals who have authored the best paper accepted for presentation at ANTS. The prize, called the Selfridge Prize, will normally be awarded every two years in an even numbered year. The prize winner(s) will receive a cash award and a certificate. The successful paper will be selected by the ANTS Program Committee.

The Selfridge Prize at the ANTS VII meeting was awarded to Werner Bley and Robert Boltje for their paper Computation of locally free class groups. The Prize at ANTS VIII was awarded to Juliana Belding, Reinier Bröker, Andreas Enge and Kristin Lauter for their paper Computing hilbert class polynomials. The Prize at ANTS IX was awarded to John Voight (mathematician) (University of Vermont) for his paper Computing automorphic forms on Shimura curves over fields with arbitrary class number. The Prize at ANTS X was awarded to Andrew Sutherland (mathematician) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) for his paper On the evaluation of modular polynomials. The Prize at ANTS XI was awarded to Tom Fisher (mathematician) (University of Cambridge) for his paper Minimal models for 6-coverings of elliptic curves. The Prize at ANTS XII was awarded to Jan Steffen Müller and Michael Stoll for their paper Computing canonical heights on elliptic curves in quasi-linear time.

