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Alfonso Téllez de Meneses el Viejo

Alfonso Téllez de Meneses (c. 1161–1230), known as el Viejo ("the Old"), was a nobleman of Castile and a participant in the key Reconquista battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. He was the second Lord of Meneses, Lord of Cea, Grajal,Montalbán, and, through his second wife, first Lord of Alburquerque.

His father was Tello Pérez de Meneses, a powerful noble in Tierra de Campos and Cea, founder, with his wife Gontrodo, of the Monastery of Santa María de Matallana, and three hospitals for lepers and pilgrims in Cuenca,Villamartín, and in San Nicolás del Real Camino. Although mistakenly considered the founders of the Monastery of Santa María de Trianos because of the donation that the couple made in 1185 with the consent of their five children, the monastery had been founded before 1125 the year in which Pope Honorius II issued a Papal bull appointing the abbot and the prior of this religious establishment.

The mother of Alfonso Téllez de Meneses was Gontrodo García of the Fláinez family who married Tello Pérez de Meneses around 1161, the year in which he granted her arras. Gontrodo was the daughter of García Pérez, tenente in Cea who distinguished himself in the conquest of Baeza and Almería, and of Teresa Pérez. Gontrodo's parents founded the Cistercian convent of Santa María la Real in Gradefes, which she joined after she was widowed and where she eventually became the abbess.

