Alexander Bunyip's Billabong is an Australian television series for children which screened on the ABC from 1978 to 1988. It followed the adventures of Alexander Bunyip, a mythical Australian creature who first appeared in "The Monster..." book series and later the "Alexander Bunyip" book series.
Alexander Bunyip first appeared in the book "The Monster That Ate Canberra", written and illustrated by Michael Salmon in 1972. This was followed up by "Son of the Monster" in 1973, "Travels with the Monster" in 1974 and "The Monster in Space" in 1975. The character later appeared in "Alexander Bunyip" and "Alexander Bunyip and the Swagman" both published in 1980.
The character appeared on television in various formats such as "The Alexander Bunyip Show", "Alexander's Afternoon", "Alexander's Antics" and "Alexander Bunyip's Billabong". Michael Salmon, the author of the books, also wrote for the television series.