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Alberto Oliverio

Alberto Oliverio (born December 1, 1938 in Catania, Italy) is a biologist and psycho-biologist. He is currently professor of Psychobiology at the Sapienza University of Rome. He has been one of the main assistants of Nobel prize winner Daniel Bovet. MD., University of Rome, 1962. Married, one daughter. 1963-64 Research Fellow, Italian Institute of Health, Rome.Activity related to noradrenergic neurotransmitters and noradrenaline turnover. 1964-65 Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. Studies on noradrenaline turnover in relation to increased nervous activity (with. U.S. von Euler). 1965-67 Assistant Research Pharmacologist, UCLA School of Medicine and Brain Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA. Research project on behavior genetics and psychopharmacogenetics. Studies on learning and memory in inbred mice (With D. Bovet and J.L. McGaugh). 1967-70 Research Pharmacologist, University of Sassari, Italy. Studies on behaviour genetics and cholinergic mechanisms involved in memory processes. 1969 Visiting Scientist, Regional Primate Research Center, The University of Wisconsin (With H.F. Harlow). 1971 Research Director, Institute of Psychobiology and Psychopharmacology, CNR (Italian National Research Council), Rome. Behaviour genetics, circadian rhythms, central effects of cholinergic agents. 1972 Visiting Scientist, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine. Experiments on Recombinant Inbred strains (With D.W. Bailey) 1973 Associate professor of animal psychology, School of Psychology, University of Rome. 1975 Professor of Physiological Psychology, University of Rome. 1976-2002. Director, Institute of Psychobiology and Psychopharmacology, CNR, Rome. Studies on behaviour genetics, neurobiological correlates of individual differences and learning. Psychopharmacogenetics. 1978 to present. Professor of Psychobiology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Rome (Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology). 1982-84. Dean of the School of Biological Sciences, University of Rome. 1988-1990. Director, Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of Rome.1990 Visiting Scientist, Centre for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, University of California at Irvine. 1994 to 2001. President, Italian Institute of Anthropology. 2002-2007 in charge of Laboratory of Psychobiology, Institute of Neuroscience, CNR Rome 2002- Professor of Organic Foundations of Behaviour and of Psychobiology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Rome, "La Sapienza". 2009- Professor of Neurosciences at the Pontifical Salesian University. 2012- Emeritus Professor of Psychobiology. 2013-2015 President Society of Neuroethics and Philosophy of Neurosciences. 2013- Professor in charge of Psychobiology, Faculty of Science MFN, University of Rome Sapienza. 2017 "Antonio Feltrinelli" Award 2017 Science and Literature, National Academy of Lincei.

