Ferdinand Albert Thierfelder (December 12, 1842 – January 22, 1908) was a German pathologist born in Meissen. He was the son of Stadtphysikus Johann Gottlieb Thierfelder (1799-1867), and was a younger brother to internist Theodor Thierfelder (1824-1904).
He studied medicine at the Universities of and Leipzig, earning his doctorate in 1870 with a dissertation on sweat gland adenoma, Ein Fall von Schweissdrüsen-Adenom. He spent several years as an assistant at the institute of pathology in Leipzig, and from 1876 to 1908 was a full professor of anatomic pathology in . One of his better known assistants in Rostock was pathologist Otto Lubarsch (1860-1934).
In 1884/85 he was chairman of Naturforschenden Gesellschaft (Natural History Society of Rostock).
He was the author of Atlas der Pathologischen Histologie (Atlas of pathological histology), published in seven parts from 1872 to 1881: