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Alba Nydia Díaz

Alba Nydia Díaz
Born (1955-04-27) April 27, 1955 (age 61)
Caguas, Puerto Rico
Years active 1969–present

Alba Nydia Díaz, (April 27, 1955) born in Caguas, Puerto Rico, is an actress, known for her achievements in television and on-stage, both in the island and in Mexico.

Although the roles she portrayed in her early days and years after, were not leading roles, from Conciencia Culpable (Guilty Conscience), in 1969, through Cristina Bazán, in 1977, starring Johanna Rosaly, she always managed to impress in her performances, Díaz has always portrayed her "character" roles, as if she were the person in reality, in every interpretation.

During the 1970s, among the several soap operas she carried out in Mexico, was, Colorina, (Goldfinch), with Mexican actress: Lucía Méndez, and not less important performances in El Derecho de Nacer, (The Right to be Born), and El Maleficio, (The Curse), also taped and broadcast by Televisa.

By the end of the 1970s, she started performing in leading roles in the telenovelas: La Jibarita, (The Country Girl), taped in Dominican Republic, Modelos S.A., (Models S.A.) opposite Fernando Allende, & Giselle Blondet, and Cuando Despierta un Amor, (When a love arouses), opposite Braulio Castillo, hijo, both taped in Puerto Rico.

Alba Nydia has also performed on-stage in Puerto Rico: La Pasión según Antígona Pérez, (The Passion of Antígona Pérez), La Casa de Bernarda Alba, (The House of Bernard Alba), La Carreta, (The Oxcart), Zorba the Greek, Electra, Tiempo Muerto, (Dead Season), and Frida Kalo, among many others.

Alba Nydia, has her own film production company called "Copelar", with her actress partner: Sonia Valentín, and she's starred & produced several television movies, such as: Sudor Amargo, (Bitter Sweat) & Las Combatientes, (The Combatants).

