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Al-Qifṭī (Arabic: جمال الدين أبو الحسن علي بن يوسف القفطي‎‎ Jamāl al-Dīn Abū 'l-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Yūsuf al-Qifṭī, ca. 1172–1248) was a medieval Muslim writer. He is remembered today mainly for his History of Learned Men.

He was a native of Qift in Upper Egypt. He studied in Cairo, and moved to Jerusalem and later to Aleppo, where he compiled most of his works.

26 of his works are known by title, of which only two survive:

Some fragments survive of the posthumous Akhbar al-Muhammadin min al-shu'ara' (Ms. Paris Arab. 3335).

The lost works dealt mostly with historiography, including a history of Cairo, a history of the Seljuks, and histories of the Mirdasids, of the Buyids, of Mahmud b. Sabuktakin, of the Maghreb, and of the Yemen.

