Al-Mutawakkil Ahmad (المتوكل أحمد) (26), (full name Ahmad bin Ali bin Abbas: أحمد بن علي بن عباس) September 1756 - 10 September 1816 was an Imam of Yemen who ruled in 1809-1816. He belonged to the Qasimid family, descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, which dominated the Zaidi imamate of Yemen from 1597 to 1962.
Ahmad bin Ali was a son of Imam al-Mansur Ali I. In the early 19th century, dramatic political events rocked the Zaidi state. The intervention of Wahhabi forces from the north in 1803 deprived the imam of most of the lowlands, the Tihamah. That meant the loss of vital revenues. Aggression from tribal groups outside the capital San'a further eroded the imam's power. As al-Mansur Ali I grew old and weak, intrigues arose around his person. Finally, in 1808, Prince Ahmad took power at court. This was a rather atypical event in Yemeni history, since sons usually did not rose against their fathers in power. Ahmad managed to abate the worst violence from the highland tribesmen. However, the governor of the important trading port Mocha refused to acknowledge the usurpation of power, and received assistance from the Sultan of Lahej and Aden. The chief of Abu Arish in the Tihamah, Sharif Hamud (d. 1818), originally a vassal under the imam, had been forced to submit to the Wahhabi movement in 1803. In 1809, however, he fell out with the pro-Wahhabi chief of Upper Asir, Abu Nuqta. Sharif Hamud again proclaimed his allegiance to the Zaidi imam and restored to him the cities Luhayya, Hudaydah and Bayt al-Faqih. Abu Nuqta marched into the territory of Sharif Hamud in July 1809 and defeated him, but shortly afterwards he was himself killed in an assault by the Abu Arish warriors on his camp. This event gave Sharif Hamud a powerful position as autonomous chief in the Tihamah. In October 1809 the old imam died. Ahmad was formally elevated to the position under the name al-Mutawakkil Ahmad.