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Akamas (2006 film)

Directed by Panikos Chrissanthou
Produced by Panikos Chrissanthou
Derviş Zaim
András Gerõ
Written by Panikos Chrissanthou
Music by Michalis Christodoulides
Cinematography Andras Goere
Edited by Thomas Kallis
Distributed by AmaFilms
Release date
23 November 2006 (Greece)
September 2006 (Italy)
9 October 2009 (Turkey)
Running time
124 minutes
Country Cyprus
Language Greek

Akamas is a 2006 Cypriot feature film directed by Panicos Chrysanthou about a love affair between a Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot despite their families' opposition and the inter-communal violence of the 1960s.

The film takes place between the 1950s and 1970s. Turkish Cypriot Omer and Greek Cypriot Rhodou grow up together in Akamas. Rhodou initially falls in love with a Greek fighter but when he is killed she turns to Omer. Omer becomes an active member of EOKA. In spite of protests from her parents she decides to marry him. Omer and Rhodou escape from their families and friends and attempt a new life together, but this is Cyprus and a marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian woman is not something that local people are prepared to accept.

Although the main plot is archetypal, the subplot draws from the directors own life. Panicos' parents owned a coffee shop in Kythrea where he would hear many stories.

Most of the film was filmed in the Akamas area. Akamas has many scenic views allowing for superb cinematography. Akamas is a symbol for the film; it is a peninsula.

Financing was made available by Turkey, Bulgaria and Cypriot government bodies (the individual production companies were Artimages Ltd, Cyprus - Marathon Filmcilik, Turkey - Creator C, Hungary).

Many Cypriots living in Cyprus have not seen the film. This is largely due to the Cypriot government's actions, which effectively banned the film in Cyprus (but not in Europe). Although Chrysanthou, several other notable filmmakers and some politicians claim that the government's actions were politically motivated, the government claims that Chrysanthou was in breach of the filmmaking contract.

The government did not take direct action to stop the film production but it made it very difficult for its successful completion by withdrawing crucial funds and severely limiting its market potential by making distribution almost impossible and by banning it from Cypriot TV and Cypriot cinemas. The government was also reported to have attempted to censor a specific scene in the film by using its funding as a pressure for censoring. The Cypriot Commissioner of Administration, after researching the matter, concluded that the state attempted to censor Akamas without sufficient justification, thus violating the freedom of artistic expression. Nevertheless Akamas was completed and screened at several film festivals worldwide.

Akamas was the first Cypriot film to be screened at the Venice Film Festival. Akamas won the Los Angeles Greek Film Festival's Orpheus Award. At the Cypriot Film Festival UK the screening of Akamas was the most widely attended event. Simos Panayi, the founder of the Cypriot Film Festival UK, invited Panicos Chrysanthou to give a speech about Akamas and its historical context. The speech was primarily directed at younger British Cypriots, many of whom are born outside of Cyprus.

