The following is a list of notable mummies that have been found in Egypt dating to the Pharaoh dynasties. Some mummies have been found to be remarkably intact while others have been damaged from tomb robbers, and environmental conditions. Given the technology/wealth at the time, all known predynastic rulers were buried in open tombs. It was not until Pharaoh Den of the first dynasty that things such as a staircase and architectural elements were added which provided better protection. Most of the early rulers were also buried rather than mummified, of which became prevalent in the later dynasties.
The following entries are previously identified mummies that are now in dispute. Over time through the advance in technology, new information comes to light that discredits old findings and beliefs. The mummies that have been lost or destroyed since initial discovery may never be properly identified.
The following entries are mummies that have no conclusive identity. In the interim they have been given nicknames until further research can be done, but some of these mummies may never be properly identified due to a loss of records or information.