Aggiungi un posto a tavola is a musical comedy written by Pietro Garinei, Sandro Giovannini and Iaia Fiastri, which debuted in 1974 under the direction of Garinei and Giovannini. Music was written by Armando Trovaioli.
Between 1973 and 1974, Sandro Giovannini and Pietro Garinei wrote with Iaia Fiastri a musical inspired by the novel "After Me, the Deluge" by David Forrest (the pseudonym of David Eliades and Robert Forrest-Webb). The total cost of the staging was about 250 billion lire, due to the completion of the scenery in wood. The show received its title after a vote of the company, who preferred "Aggiungi un Posto a Tavola" (Add a seat at the table) to the alternatives.
Actors who played in the first edition include Johnny Dorelli (Don Silvestro), Paolo Panelli (the mayor) and Bice Valori (Consolazione).
The play is divided in two acts.
In the first act Don Silvestre receives a phone call from God announcing a second universal flood. He orders Don Silvestre to build an ark like Noah's and save the people of the village. When Don Silvestre announces this to the villagers and tells them God’s will, the villager Mayor, Crispíno, doesn’t believe a word. The Mayor has a daughter named Clementina, who is secretly in love with the priest. After some little time God enables Don Silvestre to perform a miracle in order to convince everyone in town about the second universal flood and God’s will. Good-time girl Consolazione arrives at the village -- and with this things get complicated. Consolazione distracts every male in the village, thereby avoiding God's planned procreation one night before the flood, so God boosts the manhood of the village idiot, Toto, in order to distract Consolazione.
When Toto announces he has fallen in love with Consolazione and wants to marry her and take her with him on the ark when it sails, the village women get angry and stop their men from working on the vessel. Don Silvestre intervenes and convinces the villagers to complete the ark. When it is finished and ready to sail several things happen that make the situation complicated. First the Vatican intervenes by sending a Cardinal to the village to try to lure the villagers away from Silvestro's control and the ark by treating them to a lavish meal. The first act finishes when people discover that the Mayor has gone missing.
In the second act the Mayor, who has hidden himself in a statue, emerges to make a call to the authorities in order to stop Don Silvestre in his “insane idea”. The Mayor remains hidden until the wedding between Consolazione and Toto, but is discovered, captured and imprisoned. Clementina confesses to be in love with the priest who admits his own feelings for her.