The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) is a major British organisation established in January 2002 by the Royal Society and the Joint Mathematical Council, with explicit backing from all major mathematics organisations in the UK.
ACME is supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the Department for Education.
ACME's aim is
As at January 2014, the ACME members are:
Professor Stephen Sparks FRS is the ACME Chair.
Robert Barbour, Independent consultant (2013)
Richard Browne, Company Secretary Mathematics in Education and Industry (2012)
Sybil Cock, Independent mathematics consultant (2011)
Dr Sue Gifford, Principal Lecturer in mathematics education, Roehampton University (2013)
Dr Niall Mackay, Reader, Department of Mathematics, University of York (2011)
Professor Andrew Noyes, School of Education, University of Nottingham (ACME Deputy Chair)(2012)
Jennie Pennant, Primary PD Lead NRICH and Director GrowLearning: releasing excellence in Leadership, Learning and Mathematics (2013)
Anne White, Senior Adviser, Improve Maths (2013)
Former members
As at December 2010, members of ACME were:
Jack Abramsky is an independent mathematics consultant. Previously, he worked in the Mathematics Team at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) after a long career teaching mathematics mainly at university, sixth-form and tertiary college level. He headed the department of Mathematics at Kingston College of Further Education. He was a founder member and Executive Secretary of the National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges and has served on the Executive Committee of the Joint Mathematical Council and on the original governmental Mathematics and Science Consultative Committee to advise the Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority. At QCA he worked on mathematics in the national curriculum, on the development of new qualifications in mathematics, on criteria for GCSE and GCE Mathematics, on end of key stage tests, on international comparisons, and on the production of a range of guidance materials for teachers. He was seconded to work with Professor Adrian Smith on the Post-14 Mathematics Inquiry.
Jennie is an Advanced Skills Teacher and Director of Specialism in Dorset. Her first degree and MSc are in Mathematics, and her subsequent research in Mathematics Education. She has taught learners aged 3 to 93 in schools, colleges and universities, and worked in Primary and Secondary teacher education in this country, Australia and South Africa. She has many years experience in comprehensive schools, including as Head of Department. Jennie is a member of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM), the British Society for Research into the Learning of Mathematics, the British Educational Research Association, and the Mathematical Association (MA), for whom she chaired the Teaching Committee. Her fundamental belief in mathematics education is that all young people can enjoy, and be effective learners of, the challenge and rigour that is mathematics.