Adolfo Saguier (b. 1832, d. 1902) was Paraguayan politician and Vice President.
Adolfo was brother of Paraguayan ambassador in Buenos Aires and cousing of Francisco Solano López. During rule of Carlos Antonio Lopez he was sent to study in Europe. During Paraguayan War he served in the army and was commander of artillery in the Battle of Curupaity. During the last years of Lopez rule he led one of the infamous conspiracy trials, who arrested, tortured and executed supposed plotters against the Lopez. Arrested by Brazilians in December 1868.
After the war he was associated with the Liberal politicians of Decoud faction.
He was elected as Vice President of Cándido Bareiro in 1878 and after the sudden death of Bareiro he was prevented from assuming Presidency by a bloodless coup organized by Bernardino Caballero on September 4, 1880. It was presented to the Senate, that Saguier has resigned and Caballero was elected President.