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Adam Park

Adam Park
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
Power Rangers Zeo
Power Rangers Turbo
Power Rangers In Space
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Title(s) Black Power Ranger
Black Ninja Ranger
Green Zeo Ranger
Green Turbo Ranger
Color(s)      Black (MMPR S2-3)
     Green (Zeo/Turbo)
First appearance The Ninja Encounter, Part 1 (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
Last appearance Legendary Battle (Power Rangers Megaforce)
Status Powers were restored by the Sentinel Knight
Soccer coach
Martial artist
Homeworld Earth
Zords Lion Thunderzord
Frog Ninjazord
Black Shogunzord
Zeozord IV
Super Zeozord IV
Desert Thunder Turbozord
Portrayed by Johnny Yong Bosch (teenager and adult)
Matthew Sakimoto (child)

Adam Park is a fictional major character from the universe of the American television series franchise Power Rangers, played by Johnny Yong Bosch. He is a main character in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series, as well as three of its successive incarnations Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, and Power Rangers Turbo. He also appeared in the Power Rangers in Space episode "Always a Chance", as well as the Power Rangers Operation Overdrive two-parter "Once a Ranger".

Adam is not only Zack Taylor's replacement dating back to Mighty Morphin, but he is also the third longest-running ranger in franchise history just behind former Ranger teammates Tommy Oliver and Billy Cranston and is also the first Green Ranger to be part of the core team. Adam is shy, sensitive, calm, and spiritual. His training of martial arts has made him a disciplined and efficient fighter specializing in Shaolin kung fu.

Adam first met the Power Ranger teens during an attempt to save his teacher's baby alongside his friends Rocky DeSantos and Aisha Campbell. The three of them lived in the fictional city of Stone Canyon, California and were visiting Angel Grove for the Final Round of the Team Ninja competition. To the Ranger teens surprise, the Stone Canyon trio was not there as spectators, but to compete in the final round of the tournament (they won). Adam (along with Aisha and Rocky) eventually moved to Angel Grove permanently and enrolled in Angel Grove High School.

