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Adam Gordon of Auchindoun

Adam Gordon of Auchindoun (1545–1580), Scottish knight, younger brother of the Earl of Huntly and military leader during the Marian civil war on behalf of Mary, Queen of Scots in north west Scotland. In Scottish ballad lore, Adam became known as Edom o'Gordon.

Adam was the son of George Gordon, 4th Earl of Huntly and Elizabeth Keith, daughter of Robert Keith, Master of Marischal.

Adam Gordon was taken prisoner at the battle of Corrichie in 1562, but was restored to royal favour and made Laird of Auchindoun Castle. During the civil war he fought for the exiled Queen Mary, particularly against the Clan Forbes who followed the cause of James VI of Scotland against his mother. In 1571 Adam defeated the Forbes at the battle of Tillieangus. In November at Craibstone, or Aberdeen Bridge, he defeated the Forbes and a troop of the Regent's soldiers commanded by Captains Chisholm and Wedderburn. Adam then defeated an army of Regent Mar at Brechin. The major historical sources for Adam's role in the conflict are the near contemporary accounts of John Knox's secretary Richard Bannatyne and the chronicles, the Diurnal of Occurrents and History of King James the Sext.

Bannatyne said that Adam had 1,000 men at Tillieangus against 300 Forbes on 17 October 1571. Adam concealed his superior numbers to draw the Forbes into an ambush. The brother of Lord Forbes, Arthur Forbes was killed and 12 or 16 Forbes. William Forbes and 16 others were taken prisoner. Twenty-two Gordons were killed, including John Gordon of Buiky. Before Craibstone, he or his men were involved in a massacre of the Forbes family at Corgarff Castle. According to Bannatyne, 24 people were burnt to death in the castle including Lady Towie, although a day's truce was agreed. Only one escaped, by crawling through the heather and straw which the attackers had piled to fire the castle. The Diurnal says that Adam sent his lieutenant Captain Ker to Lady Towie to ask her to surrender "Carrigill or (Corgarffe)." When she said no, Adam ordered the place to be burnt, with about 27 casualties including Lady Towie and her daughters.

