Actinorhizal plants are a group of angiosperms characterized by their ability to form a symbiosis with the nitrogen fixing actinobacteria Frankia. This association leads to the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules.
Actinorhizal plants are dicotyledons distributed among three angiosperm orders (Fagales, Cucurbitales and Rosales), 8 families and 24 genera Betulaceae: Alnus; Casuarinaceae: Gymnostoma, Casuarina, Allocasuarina, Ceuthostoma; Coriariaceae: Coriaria; Datiscaceae: Datisca, Elaeagnaceae: Elaeagnus, Hippophae, Shepherdia; Myricaceae: Myrica, Comptonia; Rhamnaceae: Colletia, Discaria, Kentrothamnus, Retanilla, Talguenea, Trevoa, Ceanothus; Rosaceae: Dryas, Purshia, Cowania, Cercocarpus, Chamaebatia). These three orders form a single clade within the Rosids, which is a sister taxon to the other major nitrogen-fixing order, the Fabales. All actinorhizal species are trees or shrubs, except for the genus Datisca.