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Scientific classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: "Proteobacteria"
Class: Alphaproteobacteria
Order: Rhodospirillales
Family: Acetobacteraceae
Genus: Acidicaldus
Type species
A. organivorans

Acidicaldus is a genus in the phylum Proteobacteria (Bacteria), whose sole member is an acidophilic thermophile.

The name Acidicaldus derives from: New Latin acidum (from Latin adjective acidus, sour), an acid; Latin caldus, warm, hot; giving Acidicaldus, a (moderately) thermophilic acid-requiring microorganism.

The genus contains single species, namely A. organivorans (corrig. Johnson et al. 2006, (type species of the genus); New Latin organum, organic compound; Latin vorans, devouring; giving organivorans, devouring organic compounds.)

