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Abu Imran al-Fasi

Abu Imran al-Fasi
Born 974
Died 1039
Religion Islam
Denomination Sunni
Jurisprudence Maliki
Creed Ash'ari

Abū ʿImrān al-Fāsī mūsā ibn ʿīsā ibn abī ḥād̲j̲d̲j̲ (or ḥad̲j̲d̲j̲ād̲j̲) (also known as simply known as Abū ʿImrān al- Fāsī, born between 975 and 978, died 8 June 1039) was a Moroccan Maliki faqīh born at Fez into a Berber family whose nisba is impossible to reconstruct.

He is regarded a saint by later Sufi mystics. He played an important role in the history of the Almoravid dynasty. It was his teaching in Qayrawan (Tunisia) that first stirred the Sanhaja. He wrote a commentary on the Mudawana of Sahnun.

Qadi Ayyad (d.544/1129), author of the Kitab Shifa bitarif huquq al-Mustapha (The Antidote in knowing the rights of the Chosen Prophet), hagiographied Abu Imran al-Fasi in his Tadrib a-Madarik (Exercising Perception), an encyclopaedia of Maliki scholars.

