In mathematics, an abstract simplicial complex is a purely combinatorial description of the geometric notion of a simplicial complex, consisting of a family of non-empty finite sets closed under the operation of taking non-empty subsets. In the context of matroids and greedoids, abstract simplicial complexes are also called independence systems.
A family Δ of non-empty finite subsets of a set S is an abstract simplicial complex if, for every set X in Δ, and every non-empty subset Y ⊂ X, Y also belongs to Δ.
The finite sets that belong to Δ are called faces of the complex, and a face Y is said to belong to another face X if Y ⊂ X, so the definition of an abstract simplicial complex can be restated as saying that every face of a face of a complex Δ is itself a face of Δ. The vertex set of Δ is defined as V(Δ) = ∪Δ, the union of all faces of Δ. The elements of the vertex set are called the vertices of the complex. So for every vertex v of Δ, the set {v} is a face of the complex. The maximal faces of Δ (i.e., faces that are not subsets of any other faces) are called facets of the complex. The dimension of a face X in Δ is defined as dim(X) = |X| − 1: faces consisting of a single element are zero-dimensional, faces consisting of two elements are one-dimensional, etc. The dimension of the complex dim(Δ) is defined as the largest dimension of any of its faces, or infinity if there is no finite bound on the dimension of the faces.