The Abolitionist Party of Canada ran 80 candidates, one more than the Greens, in the 1993 federal election, none of whom were elected. Information on these candidates may be found here.
Jean-Guy Péloquin ran for the National Assembly of Quebec in the 1981 and 1989 provincial elections, the first time as a Union Nationale candidate and the second time as a candidate of Parti 51, a small group that promoted the annexation of Quebec into the United States of America. He finished well behind Liberal incumbent Pierre Paradis on both occasions.
Peloquin was named as the interim leader of Parti 51 in February 1990, succeeding Andre Perron. Speaking to the party's executive after his selection, Peloquin said that the cohabitation of English and French cultures in Canada was no longer possible, but that Quebec independence would only result in a brain drain to the United States and sanctions from the rest of Canada. He also hoped the Meech Lake Accord on constitutional change would fail so that more Quebecers would consider his party's annexationist position. A newspaper report from the period lists Peloquin as fifty-eight years old and serving as a town councillor in Eastman. Shortly after this time, Parti 51 was officially dissolved when it could not find enough members to fill its executive.
Peloquin ran for the Abolitionist Party in the 1993 Canadian federal election.
Sources: Official results, Government of Quebec, 1981 and 1989; Twenty-fifth General Election, 1993: Official Voting Results, Published by the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada.