The Abel equation, named after Niels Henrik Abel, is a type of functional equation which can be written in the form
or, equivalently,
and controls the iteration of f.
These equations are equivalent. Assuming that α is an invertible function, the second equation can be written as
Taking x = α−1(y), the equation can be written as
For a function f(x) assumed to be known, the task is to solve the functional equation for the function α−1≡h, possibly satisfying additional requirements, such as α−1(0) = 1.
The change of variables sα(x) = Ψ(x), for a real parameter s, brings Abel's equation into the celebrated Schröder's equation, Ψ(f(x)) = s Ψ(x) .
The further change F(x) = exp(sα(x)) into Böttcher's equation, F(f(x)) = F(x)s.
The Abel equation is a special case of (and easily generalizes to) the translation equation,
e.g., for ,
The Abel function α(x) further provides the canonical coordinate for Lie advective flows (one parameter Lie groups).