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Aaron (The Walking Dead)

The Walking Dead character
Aaron, as depicted in the television series.
First appearance Comic:
"Issue #67"
"Them" (S05E10)
Created by Robert Kirkman
Charlie Adlard
Portrayed by Ross Marquand
Occupation Recruiter
Member of the herd team (comics)
Significant other(s) Eric Raleigh

Aaron is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and television series of the same name. He is portrayed by Ross Marquand in the television series.

In both mediums, he acts as a recruiter for the Alexandria Safe-Zone located in Washington, DC. for Rick Grimes and his fellow survivors on the road. Although initially mistrusted by Rick's group, he gradually gains their respect and trust and becomes a resourceful ally to the group. Aaron is the longest surviving Alexandria character and is notable for being the comic book's first openly gay character.

Aaron is introduced as a recruiter for the Alexandria Safe-Zone Community who came into contact with Rick's group shortly after they exterminated the Hunters. He and his fellow recruiter and lover Eric watched over the group from afar for several days until they found them suitable for the community. Although the survivors were initially suspicious of Aaron's motives, they went along with him to DC and eventually joined the Alexandria Safe-Zone. The leader of Alexandria, Douglas Monroe, is hesitant about the prospect of the group staying, however Aaron continually defends them, knowing the genuinely good people they are. He remains fiercely loyal of Rick and company from then on out.

He gets a false scare days after the group's arrival when Eric is stabbed by a random woman on the outskirts of DC whom they had been trying to recruit. Eric is taken back by a panic-stricken Aaron and is quickly healed by the town's surgeon Denise Cloyd. In the wake of this traumatic event, the couple mutually decides to stop recruiting for the foreseeable future and focus on maintaining things within the safety of their walls.

After the herd invasion that puts the community in disarray and culminates in Rick becoming leader in the wake of Douglas's death, Aaron and Eric are both assigned inventory together where they keep track of the community's rations, as well as supplies to ensure that things continue to be run properly. They also both further indulge in training with Rick and the rest of the group, in order to defend themselves better against the undead. The two soon begin to grow more comfortable venturing outside the walls again, assisting other members in supply runs (while occasionally stealing items like bottles of wine for themselves).

