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A Very Private Plot

A Very Private Plot
Author William F. Buckley, Jr.
Language English
Series Blackford Oakes
Subject Military, spy fiction
Published 1994
Publisher Morrow
Pages 272 pp
OCLC 28721356
Preceded by Tucker's Last Stand
Followed by Last Call for Blackford Oakes

A Very Private Plot is a 1994 historical spy novel by William F. Buckley, Jr. It is the tenth of 11 novels in the Blackford Oakes series. The novel was well received by The New York Times described the novel a full of "grave whimsy with which Mr. Buckley retraces old conflicts" and "deliver[ing] more than mere routine spy thrills."

In early 1995, CIA agent Blackford Oakes is called to testify before the United States Congress regarding a suspected plot to assassinate Mikhail Gorbachev, president of the Soviet Union.

