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A Game of Thrones (card game)

A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
Designer(s) Christian T. Petersen, Eric M. Lang, Nate French, Damon Stone
Publisher(s) Fantasy Flight Games
Players Two1
Age range 13 and up
Setup time < 5 minutes
Playing time < 60 minutes2
Random chance Some
Skill(s) required Card playing
1 Game can also be multiplayer or in teams.
2 Games may take much longer depending on a deck's play style and the number of players.

A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (or AGoT, for short) is a Living Card Game (LCG) (formerly a collectible card game) produced by Fantasy Flight Games. It is based on A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of novels written by George R. R. Martin. The first set, Westeros Edition, was released in 2002 and the game has since won two Origins Awards. The game's primary designer is Eric Lang, the lead developer is Nate French, with Damon Stone serving as associate designer.

In the game, players assume the leadership of one of the great houses of Westeros vying for control of King's Landing and the Iron Throne. To accomplish this, players launch military attacks against their opponents, undermine their opponents’ plans with intrigues of their own, and make power plays to win the support of the realm.

Each house represents one of the main factions involved in the struggle for the Iron Throne emulated by the AGoT LCG. Each house provides different strengths and weaknesses, allowing for various play styles to interact within the same game. Certain cards are restricted to one or two houses, giving each house a unique flavor. Currently, there are six playable factions in the AGoT LCG. Each is identified by a shield bearing the arms of the house, located in the upper right corner of the card.

Some great houses featured in ASoIaF are not represented as individual Houses in the AGoT LCG, but still appear in the game. House Tully is present in the game as a subset of their allies, House Stark. House Lannister and House Baratheon both feature numerous House Tyrell cards, and several significant House Tyrell characters were featured as promotional cards. House Tyrell also features prominently in the A House of Thorns expansion, as does House Bolton to a smaller extent. Other lesser houses also appear in the game, in service to the Great Houses to which they are sworn. Several House Frey cards also make an appearance, primarily as neutral cards.House Arryn is a prominent theme in A House of Talons.

