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A Dictionarie French and English

A Dictionarie French and English: published for the benefite of the studious in that language, is an English–French dictionary published in 1593 in London at Thomas Woodcock by the Huguenot refugee in England, Claude de Sainliens.

Reprinted by Scolar Press in 1974, the Dictionarie French and English was, along the Dictionnaire françois-latin, contenant les mots et les manières de parler françois, tournez en latin by Robert Estienne, one of the sources of the Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues (1611) by Cotgrave often wrongly considered, as the first French–English dictionary. A 1608 privilege presents Cotgrave's Dictionarie as collected first by C. Holyband and augmented or altered by R. Cotgrave.

