Cardinal | sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-seven | |||
Ordinal | 65537th (sixty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-seventh) |
Factorization | 65537 | |||
Prime | Yes | |||
Roman numeral | LXVDXXXVII | |||
Binary | 100000000000000012 | |||
Ternary | 100222200223 | |||
Quaternary | 1000000014 | |||
Quinary | 40441225 | |||
Senary | 12232256 | |||
Octal | 2000018 | |||
Duodecimal | 31B1512 | |||
Hexadecimal | 1000116 | |||
Vigesimal | 83GH20 | |||
Base 36 | 1EKH36 |
65537 is the integer after 65536 and before 65538.
65537 is the largest known prime number of the form (). Therefore, a regular polygon with 65537 sides is constructible with compass and unmarked straightedge. In number theory, primes of this form are known as Fermat primes, named after the mathematician Pierre de Fermat. The only known prime Fermat numbers are