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57 (number)

← 56 57 58 →
Cardinal fifty-seven
Ordinal 57th
Factorization 3 × 19
Divisors 1, 3, 19, 57
Roman numeral LVII
Binary 1110012
Ternary 20103
Quaternary 3214
Quinary 2125
Senary 1336
Octal 718
Duodecimal 4912
Hexadecimal 3916
Vigesimal 2H20
Base 36 1L36

57 (fifty-seven) is the natural number following 56 and preceding 58.

Fifty-seven is the sixteenth discrete semiprime and the sixth in the (3.q) family. With 58 it forms the fourth discrete bi-prime pair. 57 has an aliquot sum of 23 and is the first composite member of the 23-aliquot tree. Although 57 is not prime, it is jokingly known as the "Grothendieck prime" after a story in which mathematician Alexander Grothendieck supposedly gave it as an example of a particular prime number. This story is repeated in Part 2 of a biographical article on Grothendieck in Notices of the American Mathematical Society.

As a semiprime, 57 is a Blum integer since its two prime factors are both Gaussian primes.

57 is a 20-gonal number. It is a Leyland number since 25 + 52 = 57.

57 is a repdigit in base 7 (111).

There are 57 vertices and 57 hemi-dodecahedral facets in the 57-cell, a 4-dimensional abstract regular polytope. The Lie algebra E7 12 has a 57-dimensional Heisenberg algebra as its nilradical, and the smallest possible homogeneous space for E8 is also 57-dimensional.

