The 4400 Center is a fictional building in the science fiction TV series The 4400. According to a postcard in the Season 3 episode "Gone", the fictional location of the center is 6265 Crescent Road, Seattle, Washington. The same street address in Vancouver, British Columbia, is the address for the Chan Centre, the real-life building portrayed as the 4400 Center.
The 4400 Center was founded by Jordan Collier in between Seasons One and Two as a place where 4400s could take sanctuary and learn to harness their abilities, and where non-4400s could seek out the "inner" 4400 in themselves. A side-effect of non-4400s joining the scheme was that they brought a great deal of money into the center.
When Jordan was assassinated, Shawn Farrell (Jordan's "protégé") took over the operation of the center.
Characters in the show sometimes call the 4400 Center a cult. Dr Kevin Burkhoff ridiculed the center's "key" scheme, where students progressed through key stages by use of meditation, learning and a sizeable monetary investment. Shawn realised Burkhoff was correct and scrapped many of the useless programmes. He brought Burkhoff into the center and Dr Burkhoff eventually developed the promicin serum as extracted from Isabelle Tyler.
The center was closed down and seized by the government in the finale of Season Three. In Season Four, Shawn reopens the center as a base for his healing foundation.
In the 4400 book Promises Broken, the 4400 center stands as the last stand against the government in the Battle for Promise City.