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32 (number)

← 31 32 33 →
Cardinal thirty-two
Ordinal 32nd
Factorization 25
Divisors 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
Roman numeral XXXII
Binary 1000002
Ternary 10123
Quaternary 2004
Quinary 1125
Senary 526
Octal 408
Duodecimal 2812
Hexadecimal 2016
Vigesimal 1C20
Base 36 W36

32 (thirty-two) is the natural number following 31 and preceding 33.

32 is the smallest number n with exactly 7 solutions to the equation φ(x) = n. It is also the sum of the totient function for the first ten integers.

The fifth power of two, 32 is also a Leyland number since 24 + 42 = 32.

As with every power of two, 32 has an aliquot sum one less than itself: the prime 31. 32 is the first member of the 31-aliquot tree.

32 is the ninth happy number.

32 = 11 + 22 + 33

In the Kabbalah, there are 32 Kabbalistic Paths of Wisdom.

One of the central texts of the Pāli Canon in the Theravada Buddhist tradition, the Digha Nikaya, describes the appearance of the historical Buddha with a list of 32 physical characteristics.

The Hindu scripture Mudgala Purana also describes Ganesha as taking 32 forms.

In chess, the total number of black squares on the board, the total number of white squares, and the total number of pieces (black and white) at the beginning of the game.

The jersey number 32 has been retired by several North American sports teams in honor of past playing greats:

