2 Headed Dog is a four-man comedy troupe based in Los Angeles, composed of comedians Jim Turner, Mark Fite, Craig Anton, and Dave Allen.
The Steve Allen Theater currently serves as home base where they perform monthly. The group has appeared at numerous comedy clubs and festivals such as Festival Supreme over the years, as well as repeat performances at Lucha VaVOOM and the Brookledge Follies.
2 Headed Dog has written and performed the comedic theatre piece Clowntown City Limits. The piece was written by the group with additional material by Joel Madison, Dale Goodson, and Bob Rucker; music by Andy Paley; and directed by John Ferraro. Clowntown City Limits is about a trio of down-and-out clowns living in a home that is not the worst place in the world but is the “worst place adjacent”. Big Bugs, Corky, and Adolph manage to pay a back-handed tribute to the world of clowns while turning it upside down and inside out, revealing the darkness inherent in every black-velvet clown painting that ever hung over a frightened child’s bed. It features Mark Fite, Jim Turner, Dave Gruber Allen, and Craig Anton.
Clowntown City Limits was well-received, with the LA Weekly describing it as "ravishingly brilliant ... as funny and pointless and circuitous as life on the margins", and it was still playing well three years later, described as "hysterically imbecilic repartee" tinged with "a loathing resentment".