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269 (number)

← 268 269 270 →
Cardinal two hundred sixty-nine
Ordinal 269th
(two hundred sixty-ninth)
Factorization prime
Prime yes
Greek numeral ΣΞΘ´
Roman numeral CCLXIX
Binary 1000011012
Ternary 1002223
Quaternary 100314
Quinary 20345
Senary 11256
Octal 4158
Duodecimal 1A512
Hexadecimal 10D16
Vigesimal D920
Base 36 7H36

269 (two hundred [and] sixty-nine) is the natural number between 268 and 270. It is also a prime number.

269 is a twin prime, and a Ramanujan prime. It is the largest prime factor of 9! + 1 = 362881, and the smallest natural number that cannot be represented as the determinant of a 10 × 10 (0,1)-matrix.

