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2012 Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 season

The 2012 Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 season was the 22nd Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 season. The season commenced on 5 May at Alcañiz and ended on 21 October at Barcelona. The season featured seven double-header rounds, with each race lasting for a duration of 30 minutes. All races were part of the World Series by Renault.

Red Bull Junior's Daniil Kvyat won the opening race of the season at Motorland Aragón after qualifying on pole position by 0.1 seconds. Newcomer Nyck de Vries finished in second place and returnee Stoffel Vandoorne attained his maiden podium in third. The race was red-flagged after a violent crash between Daniel Cammish and Hans Villemi, with Villemi flipping over the back of Cammish's car. Both drivers suffered long-term injuries in the crash, and have yet to return to the series. iRace Professional driver Óscar Tunjo of Tech 1 Racing started the Sunday race from pole position but he was passed by Kvyat at the second turn of the first lap. Kvyat scored his first Eurocup double win, ahead of Tunjo and RC Formula's Norman Nato.

A month later at Spa, R-ace GP's Pierre Gasly claimed his first pole position. Gasly had a bad getaway and lost positions to both Nato and Vandoorne. Nato scored his first win in the series, while Gasly scored his first series podium. Gasly's teammate Andrea Pizzitola was the fastest in the second qualifying session. The race was held in heavy rain, and was red-flagged after an incident at Kemmel, involving Nato and team-mate Javier Tarancón, Koiranen Motorsport's Stefan Wackerbauer and Victor Franzoni, Tunjo and team-mate Matthieu Vaxivière, Fortec Motorsports' Dan de Zille and KTR's Yu Kanamaru. Kvyat coped with conditions better than others, claiming his third win of the season, ahead of Fortec driver Jake Dennis and Vandoorne completed the podium.

