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2007 Individual Speedway European Championship

The 2007 Individual Speedway European Championship

Final standing:

Gates in 21st: A - Huszcza, B - Klecha, C - Walasek
(17) Zieliński - heats: 1, 16 and 20

1-7: 69.56 - 69.10 - 70.02 - 71.32 - 69.14 - 71.05 - 71.37
8-14: 73.81 - 71.40 - 71.09 - 71.13 - 71.46 - 71.35 - 71.16
15-21: 70.86 - 71.46 - 71.40 - 72.20 - 72.47 - 70.82 - 72.64

(17) Marczuk - heats: 3, 9, 15 and 18

(17) Biezczastnov - heat: 20

(17) Pigac - heat: 4

m - exclusion for exceeding two minute time allowance • t - exclusion for touching the tapes • x - other exclusion • e - retired or mechanical failure • f - fell • ns - non-starter • nc - non-classify

