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1914 College Football All-Southern Team

The 1914 College Football All-Southern Team consists of American football players selected to the College Football All-Southern Teams selected by various organizations for the 1914 Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association football season.

Tennessee and Auburn both had claims to the SIAA championship. It was Tennessee's first championship of any kind. Washington and Lee and Virginia both had claims to the SAIAA championship. Ted Shultz of Washington & Lee was selected an All-American by the Philadelphia Public Ledger.

The composite All-SIAA eleven compiled from a total of seven sports writers, coaches, and others by Z. G. Clevenger, University of Tennessee athletic director:

The composite All-SIAA overview. Boozer Pitts was the only unanimous selection.

Bold = Composite selection

† = Unanimous selection

ZC = received votes a composite All-SIAA compiled from a total of seven sports writers, coaches, and others by Z. G. Clevenger, University of Tennessee athletic director. The seven were coaches Clevenger and Pontius of Tennessee, Innis Brown, John Heisman, Dick Jemison, Innis Brown, Jack Nye, W. G. Foster, and Bill Streit.

