Östra Finlands Nation
Student Nations at
Helsinki University
Nylands | Eteläsuomalainen | Savolainen | Karjalainen | Hämäläis | Keskisuomalainen | Kymenlaakson | Åbo | Varsinaissuomalainen | Satakuntalainen | Wiipurilainen |
Östra Finlands | Etelä-Pohjalainen | Vasa | Pohjois-Pohjalainen
Östra Finlands Nation (ÖFN) is one of the 15 student nations at the University of Helsinki,Swedish-speaking and established in 1924. The nation is formed to represent the interests of Swedish-speaking students coming from Eastern Finland, nowadays interpreted as the community of Sipoo and any place more to the east of it. However, any Swedish-speaking student studying at any university or applied university in the Helsinki region is welcome as a member.
Historically, this nation was split off in 1924 from one of the original nations of the university, "Wiborgs nation", that is nowadays known as "Wiipurilainen osakunta" and was originally established in 1654 for students coming from the region of the city of Vyborg. Hence the nation maintains the memory and traditions of the city of Wyborg as its heritage.