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Video-based reflection

Video-based reflection is a reflective practice technique popular in the field of education in which video, rather than one's own memory, is used as a basis for reflection and professional growth.

Individual teachers can practice video-based reflection, but it is more commonly done when teachers are a part of video clubs. Research about the effect that video club participation can have on teacher practice has been done by Katherine A. Linsenmeier, Miriam Gamoran Sherin, and Elizabeth van Es.

Research indicates that teachers can benefit from video-based reflection, even when done apart from a group. Individuals using this mode of reflection tend to write longer and have more specific reflections than when writing a reflection using memory alone. This practice has also been shown to help preservice and novice teachers focus their attention on their students' learning rather than on their own experiences.

Video clubs are formed by groups of teachers who want to investigate a specific aspect of their teaching practice. These clubs often meet on a monthly basis to view and discuss a video clip of a member's teaching. Teachers participating in video clubs focused on student learning report feeling better able to notice and respond to student learning during instruction.

