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Noogenesis (Ancient Greek: νοῦς=mind + γένεσις = origin, becoming) is the emergence and evolution of intelligence.

Noogenesis was first mentioned in the posthumously published in 1955 book The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, an anthropologist and philosopher, in a few places:

"With and within the crisis of reflection, the next term in the series manifests itself. Psychogenesis has led to man. Now it effaces itself, relieved or absorbed by another and a higher function—the engendering and subsequent development of the mind, in one word noogenesis. When for the first time in a living creature instinct perceived itself in its own mirror, the whole world took a pace forward." "There is only one way in which our minds can integrate into a coherent picture of noogenesis these two essential properties of the autonomous centre of all centres, and that is to resume and complement our Principle of Emergence." "The idea is that of noogenesis ascending irreversibly towards Omega through the strictly limited cycle of a geogenesis." "To make room for thought in the world, I have needed to ' interiorise ' matter : to imagine an energetics of the mind; to conceive a noogenesis rising upstream against the flow of entropy ; to provide evolution with a direction, a line of advance and critical points..." - "Omega point".

The lack of any kind of definition of the term has led to a variety of interpretations reflected in the book, including "the contemporary period of evolution on Earth, signified by transformation of biosphere onto the sphere of intelligence - noosphere", "evolution run by human mind" etc. The most widespread interpretation is thought to be "the emergence of mind, which follows geogenesis, biogenesis and anthropogenesis, forming a new sphere on Earthnoosphere."

In 2005 Alexey Eryomin in the monograph - proposed new concept of noogenesis in understanding the evolution of intellectual systems, concepts of intellectual systems, information logistics, information speed, intellectual energy, intellectual potential, - consolidated into a theory of the intellect., with combines the biophysical parameters of intellectual energy – the amount of information, its acceleration (frequency, speed) and the distance it’s being sent – into a formula. According the new concept - proposed hypothesis continue prognostic progressive evolution of the species Homo sapiens, the analogy between the human brain with the enormous amount of neural cells firing at the same time and a similarly functioning human society».

