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Mussius Aemilianus

Mussius Aemilianus
Usurper of the Roman Empire
Mussius Aemilianus.jpg
Reign 260 or 260-261
Died 261 or 262
Full name
Lucius Mussius Aemilianus
Father Italian
Full name
Lucius Mussius Aemilianus

Lucius Mussius Aemilianus (d. 261 or 262) was a Roman usurper.

Mussius Aemilianus probably was of Italian stock. He was an officer in the Roman army under Philip the Arab and Valerian. Under the latter he became Praefectus augustalis of Roman Egypt.

He supported the rebellion of the Macriani against Gallienus (260-261). When the Macriani were defeated he probably proclaimed himself emperor.

Gallienus sent his general Aurelius Theodotus to Egypt to deal with Aemilianus. After a short struggle Aemilianus was defeated (before 30 March 262), captured, and later strangled in prison. Also his possible supporter Memor was executed.

