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List of countries by ecological footprint

This page is a list of countries by ecological footprint. This table is based on 2012 data from the Global Footprint Network National Footprint Accounts published in 2016. Data is given in global hectares per capita. The world-average ecological footprint in 2012 was 2.84 global hectares per person (20.1 billion in total).

With a world-average biocapacity of 1.73 global hectares per person (12.2 billion in total), this leads to an ecological deficit of 1.1 global hectares per person (7.8 billion in total). If a country does not have enough ecological resources within its own territory, then there is a local ecological deficit and it is called an ecological debtor country. Otherwise, it has an ecological reserve and it is called an ecological creditor country.

Note that this list does not include all countries; it contains 188 of the 195 world countries.

"National Footprint Accounts 2016, Open Data Platform". Global Footprint Network. 5 January 2017. 

