The following is a list of Scout Promises or Scout Oaths in national Scout/Guide organizations.
Note: Many of these are translations from the native languages of a particular organization and translations of the same words may vary.
On my honour, I promise
To do my best,
To be true to my spiritual beliefs,
To contribute to my community and our world,
To help other people,
And to live by the Scout Law
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the Queen of Australia
To help other people, and
To live by the Scout Law
I promise that I will do my best
To be true to myself and develop my beliefs
To serve my community and Australia
And live by the Guide Law.
It was originally:
I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God To serve my Queen and my country To help other people and to keep the Guide Law
(It was changed mid 2012)
Ich verspreche bei meiner Ehre,
dass ich mein Bestes tun will,
Gott und meinem Land zu dienen,
meinen Mitmenschen zu helfen
und nach unserem Gesetz zu leben.
I promise on my honour
To do my best
To serve God and my country
To help my fellow people
And to live according our Law.
On my honour I promise that, I will do my best to do my duty
To God and my country,
To help other people at all times and
To obey the Scout law.
I promise, on my honour, to try:
To be loyal to a higher ideal, our group and democracy
To obey the guides/Scouts law
To help where possible
I promise, on my word of honour,
With Gods mercy and to best capacity,
To serve God, Church, King, country and Europe,
To help my fellow man in all circumstances,
To obey the Scouts law.
I am a Scout/Guide, among Scouts and Guides in the world
So I hope for something more than what I see.
I hope that what I do is not for nothing,
I believe that what we do has meaning,
I promise that it is not momentarily.
Prometo pela minha honra
Fazer o melhor possivel para cumprir os meus deveres
Para com Deus e minha Pátria
Ajudar o próximo em toda e qualquer ocasião
E obedecer a lei escoteira
I promise on my honor
to do my best possible to comply with my duties
to God and my Country,
help fellow humans on every and any occasion
and obey the Scout Law.
I promise, under my word of honour, to do my best to:
Be loyal to God and my country,
Help others at any occasion and
Obey the Guiding Law.
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen,
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.