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Imago Universi

Andreas Cellarius, German mathematician and cartographer (1596–1665), conceived an Atlas of the Universe, published in 1660, under the title of Harmonia Macrocosmica. Numerous illustrations of the solar system appear in this atlas by different authors known at that time. Referring to Ptolemy, Cellarius called the representation of this Ptolemaic conception of heaven as "Imago universi secundum Ptolaeum"

Imago is a word in Latin which means 'image' or even "representation". Therefore, the title expresses the "Picture of the Universe according to Ptolemy." The Latin expression was used in the Middle Ages to express the representation and size of the known world at that time.

Imago Universi is also the title, in Latin, of a cosmographic treatise, written in 2013 by the Spanish scientist Gabriel Barceló.

After analyzing the history of cosmology, the treatise delves into the prevailing scientific lack of explanation of the rotation of the heavenly bodies in the laws of dynamic behaviour of the sidereal system. The author proposes the application of the Theory of Dynamic Interactions (TID) to astrophysics, in particular, the dynamics of stellar systems and galaxies. This theory allows new comprehension of the dynamics of nature and understands the dynamic equilibrium of the universe, always subjected to rotational accelerations, but repetitive and persistent. The author also highlights that the orbiting always coincides with the intrinsic rotation of celestial bodies. Paradox incorporating the book, noting that this had not been found to date.

1. Einstein, Albert: The Origins of the General Theory of Relativity, lecture given at the George A. Foundation Gibson, University of Glasgow, 20 June 1933. Published by Jackson, Wylie and co, Glasgow, 1933.

