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INR self-monitoring

INR self-monitoring is for patients on long term or lifetime anticoagulation therapy who measure their INR levels themselves, rather than having their levels measured by their healthcare professionals in a clinic. People who self-monitor use a portable monitor which is similar to monitors used in their clinic, to take a drop of blood from their finger at times agreed with their healthcare professionals and record the INR measurement provided by the monitor. You can either self-test or self-manage.

People who are self-testing provide the INR reading they obtain from their monitor to their healthcare professionals at an agreed time, generally by telephone. The healthcare professional decides if any change to the warfarin dose is required and lets the person know what action is needed. A PT/INR meter can be obtained by contacting an Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF). They are able to provide patients with all necessary testing equipment and bill the insurance for test results reported.

People who self manage adjust their warfarin doses themselves, following training with their healthcare professional. This means that if the INR reading obtained from their monitor is out of the normal therapeutic range, they are able to make an adjustment to their own warfarin dose by themselves.

International normalized ratio (INR) which is a derivative of prothrombin time is a measurement of blood coagulation in the circulatory system. Both are used to determine the clotting rate of blood which can be affected by anticoagulant usage, liver damage and Vitamin K levels.

The preferred range of INR levels for patient on anticoagulation therapy is usually between 2 and 3, but it tends to vary depending on the patient's requirements.

Patients who self-monitor tend to choose this route for the greater control they feel it gives them over their lives and their condition. This helps to reduce the amount of visits being made to their anticoagulation clinic for routine appointments to measure their INR levels. This is a lengthy process in comparison to self-testing and management.

Results of clinical studies, which have been recognised by the National Patients Safety Authority (NPSA), show that people who self-monitor keep more frequently within their therapeutic range and have fewer complications including clots and bleeding, compared with people who have their INR levels tested only at their anticoagulation clinic.

