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Hamster show

A hamster show is an event in which people gather hamsters to judge them against each other. Hamster shows are also places where people share their enthusiasm for hamsters among attendees. Hamster shows feature an exhibition of the hamsters participating in the judging.

The judging of hamsters usually includes a goal of promoting hamsters which conform to natural or established varieties of hamsters. By awarding hamsters which match standard hamster types, hamster shows encourage planned and careful hamster breeding.

Organizers of hamster shows will specify pen specifications. Usually, competing hamsters must be in identical or similar plain pens to avoid influencing the judging or identifying the person presenting the hamster. Because pens are expensive, sometimes the organizers of a hamster show offer pens to be rented for the event. Standard show pens have open wire fronts, and are small for short-term exhibition only during the judging. Shorthair hamsters may be shown on hamster bedding while longhair hamsters require something like wood-based cat litter which does not disturb fluffy fur. Water is usually not allowed assuming that the judging is well-managed and quickly done, and instead, the hamster may be given a juicy piece of fruit or vegetable. Standard hamster chow is not provided, because if the hamster stuffs its cheek pouches, judging becomes difficult or impossible.

Syrian hamsters are exhibited alone, as they naturally live alone. may be exhibited in pairs, as they are normally kept in pairs or colonies, and it is natural for them to have company. When a pair of dwarf hamsters is exhibited, but only one hamster is being judged, then the secretary managing records for the judges will keep notes identifying the hamster on exhibition. Show organizers may present dwarf hamsters in smaller pens than Syrians, or perhaps all hamsters will be in larger pens which are appropriate for Syrians.

Whereas shows for other animals commonly allow the manager to groom the animal after it is benched for presentation, in hamster shows judges commonly request the owners to stay completely away until the end of judging.

Hamster shows typically have three sections for entrants: pet hamsters, Syrian hamsters, and .

The pet hamster section is open to anyone who has a pet hamster. This section is not further divided, and all hamsters entering as pets are judged together. This is judging for amateurs which does not require entrants to prepare in advance. Typically, anyone may enter if they bring their hamster during the event before the judging. Hamsters entering as pets get an identification number then are exhibited in the pet area to wait for judging.

The show judges evaluate pet hamsters on their tameness and health. In pet class, health issues which are considered are the body weight, the length of the teeth, length of toenails, and brightness of eyes. Pets are which are well-cared for all have an equal chance of winning in the division. Personal body conditions or disabilities, like missing a leg or an eye, are not considered in the judging criteria so long as the hamster is otherwise in good condition.

