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Female intrasexual competition

There are two modes of sexual selection: intersexual selection and intrasexual selection. Intersexual selection is where members of a competitive sex appear to show off desirable characteristics in order to get the attention of a potential mate, increasing their chances of being selected as a mate. Intrasexual selection is when members of the same sex compete with each other over a potential mate. Intrasexual competition between women is the behaviour that females engage in to secure a potential mate. Such behaviour might include self-promotion tactics and competitor derogation (direct and indirect forms of aggression) towards other females. Variables that influence female intrasexual competition include: genetic quality of males, ovarian hormones and hormonal variations and interpersonal dynamics.

Self-promotion tactics are one of the main strategies that can be used during intrasexual competition for mates. It is often perceived to be the most socially desirable strategy, as it can be perceived as self-improvement, rather than an attack on competitors. Self-promotion tactics are especially useful for when women are looking for short-term mates, as such tactics will directly promote their sexual availability.

Self-promotion tactics refers to the different strategies that women might utilise to make themselves look better compared to other competing women. For example, women are interested in luxury items that enhance their attractiveness. Luxury items can indicate attractiveness by emphasising a higher status, which is a factor that potential mates will take into consideration. When testing for female intrasexual competition, research has shown that women would purposely choose luxury items that boosts their level of attractiveness, and will disregard non-attractive items, even if they are luxury items. When consuming attractive luxury items, women are perceived to be more attractive, young, and flirty by other women. At the same time, such consumption portrays their willingness to engage in sexual activity.

When women’s hormonal cycle is nearing her ovulation stage, which is her peak fertility, they have a higher tendency to choose products that would enhance their attractiveness, such as sexier and more revealing clothes. It has been shown that when women at their peak fertility, they will have an increased awareness and sensitivity to female intrasexual competition. This is due to the fact that when women are at their peak fertility, this is the most optimal time for them to mate and produce offsprings. However, this tends to be only applied in situations when women are faced with rivals who they consider to be attractive. When with an unattractive rival, women might not necessarily see them posing any threat, as they would feel more attractive in comparison.

