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Carlos Pérez Soto

Carlos Pérez Soto (born October 6, 1954 in Santiago de Chile) is a Chilean teacher of physics, lecturer at various universities and a social sciences researcher, author of works of a broad thematic spectrum: philosophy of science and epistemology, political philosophy and Marxism, history of dance, anti-psychiatry.

In 1972 he joined the Faculty of Education at the University of Chile for the career of Pedagogy in Physics. In 1979, he obtained the state degree of a (qualified) Teacher of Physics, which is his only formal academic degree. Although he began his studies in the heyday of the student movement's political participation during the government of Salvador Allende, he spent most of his life as a student during the years of the Chilean military dictatorship.

Between 1975 and 1999 he worked as a secondary school teacher of physics in schools and colleges of Santiago.

In 1984, he began teaching in higher education at the Institute of Arts and Social Sciences, which gathered intellectuals who opposed Pinochet's dictatorship and which in 1991 became the University known until today as ARCIS. He continued as a university professor, teaching epistemology and philosophy of science in psychology departments, first at the Diego Portales University and later at the University of Chile. In the late 80's he was already well known among students and scholars for his critical approach, his Marxist analysis and concrete policy proposals. In this context, he received invitations to give lectures and conferences at numerous Chilean universities so that the following years were characterized by an intense teaching activity.

In the last decade he has taught regular courses and elective seminars at the University of Chile (Faculty of Law), at the Catholic University of Valparaiso (School of Psychology), the Andrés Bello National University (School of Sociology), at University of Santiago (Department of Philosophy), Academy of Christian Humanism University (Dance School) and at the Finis Terrae University (School of Theatre).

