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Berufswertigkeit is a concept of comparative evaluation concerning the competences of persons with different formal educational achievements. It derives from the requirements of modern professional business practice and enables comparisons respectively an assessment of the considered persons or educational achievements from the specific view of professional practice.

Berufswertigkeit orientates oneself on a modern occupation term which covers a pronounced functionality and a high identification of the working persons with their tasks, actions and areas of responsibility (comprehensive professionalism).

With this measurement concept the assessment perspective of the professional world is chosen and regarded for the first time. Therefore, the requirements of professional practice and expectations of companies towards their employees respectively of the operational environment towards employees and executives in companies and towards a comprehensive professionalism independent of formal pre-qualification are set in the center of attention and less the theoretical comparison of defined competence fields. The term is in this respect based on the term ‘employability’ from the bologna process which claims a specific orientation of qualifications on the requirements of professional practice.

Furthermore, the term ‘Berufswertigkeit’ stands for a comparative moment for different professional qualifications and professional operational areas. Herein the term is based on the discussion of ‘equality’ of different formal forms of achievements. These discussions are considered insofar as the concept ‘Berufswertigkeit’ provides a standard of comparison which locates an occupational equality as a comparable value of the considered employees of the company through the concrete balance of detected fulfillments of requirements of the employees with different formal achievements. So this orientates largely independent from formal qualifications on the value contribution for the company. To realize a scientifically based assessment concept several working stages have been realized. (concept 2006, survey 2007, survey 2009, survey 2011)

The obtained results of examinations from the view of Berufswertigkeit shall and can serve to support scientific and public discussions in education. These can be orientated on:

The concept Berufswertigkeit was coined in two research studies 2007 and 2009 among others by Prof. Dr. Matthias Klumpp

