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TW postcode area

Twickenham postcode area
TW is located in the United Kingdom
Postcode area TW
Postcode area name Twickenham
Post towns 13
Postcode districts 20
Postcode sectors 80
Postcodes (live) 11,447
Postcodes (total) 19,215
Statistics as at February 2012

Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google

The TW postcode area, also known as the Twickenham postcode area, is a group of 20 postcode districts in England, which are subdivisions of 13 post towns. These postcode districts cover parts of south-west London and north-west Surrey, plus a very small part of Berkshire.

Mail for this area is sorted at the Jubilee Mail Centre, Hounslow, and the area served includes most of the London Boroughs of Richmond upon Thames and Hounslow, the southernmost part of the London Borough of Hillingdon (including London Heathrow Airport) and very small parts of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. In Surrey it covers virtually all of the borough of Spelthorne, the northern part of the borough of Runnymede and very small parts of the borough of Elmbridge, and in Berkshire it covers the village of Wraysbury in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.

The coverage of the postcode districts, naming all localities :

